Extremely compact with high harvest
With its extremely compact shape, Jelly Bean® looks like a round bowling ball. That makes it a charming addition to any small corner on a balcony or patio. The light green new growth of Jelly Bean® in spring provides a brilliant display. As the summer progresses, the leaves turn a slightly darker green, and the tips turn bright red in the autumn.
Despite their compact growth, Jelly Bean® plants produce an especially high yield. The host of small blueberries taste just as sweet as the famous American jelly beans.
About this Variety
GENUS/SPECIES: Vaccinium corymbosum (ZF06-179)
BERRIES: Size XL (very sweet)
GROWING HEIGHT: Up to 60 cm / compact
LEAF COLOUR CHANGES: Spring - lime, Autumn - orange green
These plants prefer acidic soil. Ideal for planting in pots in soil
with a pH value of up to 5.5. Add fertiliser in early spring. After
the berry harvest, you can cut them to shape as required.